Unlike many other “best places to work” lists, ours is not editorially determined. We have simply averaged the answers to three questions that over 14,000 women have answered in their
anonymous job reviews on our site: (1) What is your overall level of job satisfaction at this company; (2) Do you think this company treats men fairly and equally?; and (3) Would you recommend this company to other women?
There are some notable industry concentrations on this list, as well. For example, technology and consulting firms are well-represented. Some people express surprise at the prevalence of those two industries on our list due to the fact that
women in technology have gotten notoriously bad treatment that’s been highlighted by the media. Those stories are undeniable and point to cultural problems, but they may also not be representative of every firm, nor every female employee’s experiences. Similarly, some are surprised that the consulting industry, which requires so much client-facing time and
travel away from home, does so well on our list.
Our goal in releasing these rankings is to highlight employers who have successfully made investments in culture, benefits and policies that result in an employee base that believes they’re treated fairly and enjoys higher than average job satisfaction. At Fairygodboss, we know that
everyone can benefit from this transparency and learn from the examples these companies set in gender equality and gender